School Admission

Pabna Zilla School Admission Circular Notice & Result 2021

Pabna Zilla School Admission Circular Notice & Result 2021! This is absolutely a perfect website for you if you are looking for information about Pabna Zilla School Admission. Here, we will discuss all the details about the Pabna Zilla School Admission. And the good news is, Pabna Zilla School Admission is on the way. The Circular has been published and the process of applying, admissions, and results will be disclosed. To know all the reports about it keep your patience and stay with us until we are finished.

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Pabna Zilla School Admission 2021:

Every year most of the guardians look to admit their kids to Government School in Pabna. Therefore, we are so dedicated and honored to provide the information in this case you were looking for. Pabna Zilla School Admission has been destined by the authority. Although this admission includes classes 1 to 9 only classes 3, 6 & 9 test will be held recently.

Pabna Zilla School Admission

Through the Pabna Zilla School Admission 2021, students of Class 3 & Class 6 have to sit for the admission test. Class 9 applicants have to depend on the JSC Result 2020 or JDC Result 2021 for admission. The date of the admission test has been revealed also. Let’s have a look at the following chart.

Admission Test Date Admission Test Time Class
20th December 2020. 9 am to 10 am. Class 3
20th December 2020. 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm Class 6

So, there’s not much time for admission, therefore, students should get ready for the test. To know more about it, you can follow, and our website as well.

Pabna Zilla School Admission Circular Notice 2021:

Pabna Zilla School Admission Circular Notice for the educational year 2021 of classes 3, 6 & 9 have been revealed. Class 3 & Class 6 students have to attend the admission test and the students of class 9 will be prescript by their JSC Result 2020 or JDC Result 2020.

The starting date of application is 1st December 2020. And you won’t be able to apply after 14th December for admission. Candidates have to apply for admission via Online. None of the schools will provide the application form. You need to go to your nearest cyber café or computer store and fill out the form online. And, the application fee will be charged by the SMS method.

Pabna Govt School Admission Circular 2021:

No. of Seats:

Name of School No. of Seats
Class 3 Class 6 Class 9
Pabna Zilla School 240
Pabna Government Girls High School 240
Krishnapur Government Girls High 80 20


Pabna Government School Admission 2021 Exam Subject & Marks Distributions for Class 3 & 6:

Exam subject Name Marks Distributions
Class 3 Class 6
Bangla 15 30
English 15 30
Mathematics 20 40
Total Marks 50 100

How to apply for Pabna Zilla School Admission 2021?

At first, you have to plunge into their official website You will get the application form there. Then you have to fill-up the form according to your birth certificate. Your guardians National ID Card Number will be required there. Also, there will be required your color photo in a size of 300×300 pixels and a maximum of 50KB. At last, don’t forget to check the form again and again before submission. You will get a user ID and password after submitting the form. And the application fee needs to be paid by Teletalk mobile SMS.

How to download Pabna Zilla School Admission Admit Card?

After passing the deadline of application, the authority will publish the admit card for every individual. The User ID and the password you get from the authority while applying is going to be essential this time. You have to download your admit card from the official website then print it out.

  • First, go to
  • Submit your User ID and password where needed.
  • Then print out your admit card and get ready for the test.

Pabna Zilla School Admission Result 2021:

The updated information about Pabna Zilla School Admission Result will be found on the school notice board. And you will get all the results of the admission test at their official website Moreover, we will update the result on our website as soon as the authority publishes the admission test result. So, you have nothing much to think about it.

Here, point to be noticed that the class 9 admission test result will be published based on JSC result 2020. Besides, the authority will take a 50 mark exam for class 3 and a 100 mark exam for class 6. And the exam will be taken over 3 main subjects Bangla, English, and Mathematics. The authority won’t take much time to publish the result after the examination. Therefore, you have nothing much to worry about, just keep your concentration on the test and hope for the best. Further, if you have any hesitation about any of this, ask everything in our comment box. We will response you as soon as possible.

Pabna Govt. Girls High School Admission Result 2021

There are totals of three top-quality government high schools available in the Pabna District and the Pabna Government Girls High School is one of them. Every year, a huge number of students are applying for admission in class 3. Because this school class starts in class 3. The Pabna Govt. Girls High School provides two shifts and their name is Morning Shift and Day Shift. The Pabna Government Girls High School is a girl’s school but it has both male and female teachers. On the Shifting system, the Morning shift starts from 7:30 AM and the Day Shift starts from 12:30 PM.

Krishnapur Govt Girl’s High School Admission Result 2021

The Krishnapur Govt Girl’s High School is one of the most popular girl’s high school for the candidate of Pabna District. Every year, the Pabna Government Girls High School and Krishnapur Government Girls High School candidates’ admission test will be held in Pabna Zilla School and the Pabna Zilla School candidate’s exam held in Pabna Government Girls High School. And all the Pabna Govt School Admission Result 2021 will be published same time. So, regularly visit our website


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